Martin Luther considered music a gift from God second only to the Word of God. At Incarnation we treasure our rich musical heritage and our worship is filled with music. The congregation sings liturgy, hymns, and psalms, while adult, youth, and children’s choirs, and handbell choirs, all share their love of making a musical offering to God and leading worship in Incarnation's services.
Our congregational, choral, and instrumental music comes in many styles, including chant, German/Lutheran chorales, African-American spirituals, and music written by great composers living today. Instruments used in our sanctuary include a three manual with antiphonal Moeller Organ, a Baldwin grand piano, three-octaves of handchimes and a five-octave set of Malmark handbells. For more information about music ministries at ILC, please contact our Music Director, Patrick Hawkins, at [email protected] or (803) 256-2381.